To retrieve burst output of the report view TEST stored in the folder TEST under Public Folders with burst key 123:
http://< cognos environment>?b_action=cognosViewer&ui.action=view&ui.object=/content/folder[@name='TEST']/reportView[@name='TEST REPORT']/reportVersion[starts-with(@name,'20')]/output[contains(@burstKey,'123')]
Note that the above URL will look through all burst outputs generated in the year starting with "20" i.e. 2000 - 2999.
You can use starts-with or contains for the reportVersion and output options.
Example: We have a report Burst PoC with Burst outputs.
The URL to retrieve the burst output for Americas would be:
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1 comment:
How can i use @burstKey with a parametre variable named "Name" for exemple.
Exemple :
http://< cognos environment>?b_action=cognosViewer&ui.action=view&ui.object=/content/folder[@name='TEST']/reportView[@name='TEST REPORT']/reportVersion[starts-with(@name,'20')]/output[contains(@burstKey,?Name?)]
Thank you for your help.
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