Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Defect - Drill on MDX expression based members

Another one for the defect list and this in my opinion impacts a feature that is most important and that was working in earlier releases.

The defect relates to drill up functionality on MDX based lowest level members.

To re-create the issue:

Create an MDX based query calculation, say children of Cooking Gear.

Drill up on TrailChef Water Bag                                        

Drill up on Cooking Gear         

Drill down on Golf Equipment        

Drill down on Putters       

Drill down on Course Pro Putter   

Drill up on Course Pro Putter 109110           


We see children of Cooking Gear (the list we started with) instead of Course Pro Putter.

Seems like the drill functionality in 10.1.1 has a lot of defects not just in Business Insight but in Cognos Viewer as well.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Defect - Conditional Variables based on Members + Drill + Render Variable

There are times when you would want to use conditional variables to hide/display drill through links in a crosstab. If your condition is based on levels its easy to achieve this using levelNumber roleValue. If your condition is based on member names then there is a possibility that you may run into errors under the following scenario:

  1. Report has a conditional variable to drive the display of links and
  2. Report has a ParamDisplayValue layout calculation that has Render Variable set on a completely different conditional variable and
  3. You drill up/down on the member and then you select a value in a report page prompt and re-run the report you may run into the error: RSV-RND-0089 Failed to evaluate expression
This does not happen if you remove the render variable property on the layout calculation or you select prompt values and then carry out a drill activity

To avoid this, create a caption() member, set that as a property of the row member and modify the condition to be based on this member.